The inimitable Sarah Theron gives a powerful performance in celebration of National Women`s Day.
Date:- 9 August 2018
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The inimitable Sarah Theron gives a powerful performance in celebration of National Women`s Day.
Date:- 9 August 2018
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As hulle die jongklomp kan laat wals en die ou tannies woes kan laat kuier, sal Harrebaard, die rockgroep wat bestaan uit Pierre van Pletzen, Frank Opperman, Anton L`Amour en Leon Ecroignard, gelukkig wees.
Datum:- 29 Julie 2018
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Die man se stem is iets besonders en hy verstaan van konsert hou – sy verhoogspersoonlikheid is magneties – hy dra immers die Andrew Lloyd Webber stempel van goedkeuring.
Datum:- 28 Julie 2018
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